9 Funny Vape Flavours and What They Taste Like

Most vape juices taste like fruit, candy, or desserts. And then there are funny vape flavours like butter, garlic, and hot dog, that seem to exist only so you can test your taste buds or gross out your friends.

Whether you want to try some weird vape juice flavour or are simply curious, here are nine funny vape flavours that exist and people have tried vaping.

Flavour #1: Butter vape juice

Some flavours of vape juice have a hint of butter in them. But for anyone who loves butter, it’s possible to vape butter vape juice. Some would say this flavour is rich, creamy, and sweet. Others would say vaping butter vape juice is as unpleasant as biting into a stick of butter.

You could try vaping this flavour or mixing it with another flavour that could use extra creaminess. How about spreading some butter vape on a banana nut bread vape?

Flavour #2: Black pepper vape juice

Like butter, black pepper is best enjoyed on something else rather than on its own. But someone somewhere thought that creating black pepper vape juice was a good idea, and it’s up to you to decide whether you would like to try this strange flavour.

This flavour is bold and strong, just like you would expect. If smelling black pepper makes you sneeze, vaping it should be fine. But anyone smelling your vapour clouds might be wondering what you are doing.

Flavour #3: Bacon vape juice

If you love bacon, you should love bacon vape. Or not.

Different condiments, snacks, chocolate bars and candy are enhanced by a bacon flavour, so it was only a matter of time before curious vapers could try this unusual flavour.

Unfortunately, bacon vape juice doesn’t seem as tasty as real bacon. Some vapers who have tried it think it mostly has a burnt flavour or tastes like the breath of a lucky dog enjoying a lot of bacon.

Flavour #4: Beer vape juice

Drinking a good beer can be a great way to relax after a long day. Or you can vape some e-liquid that tastes like beer instead. It’s up to you.

Some vapers who have tried this vape juice think it has a strange taste or tastes like a beer that has been spending too much time under the sun.

You can also find root beer-flavoured vape juice if you prefer root beer.

Flavour #5: Garlic vape juice

Perhaps whoever thought of creating garlic vape juice was afraid of vampires and looking for an easy way to keep them away.

Garlic vape juice smells like garlic and tastes like garlic. It’s a strong, overpowering flavour. It’s for people who love roasted garlic or are simply wondering what vaping garlic tastes like.

Flavour #6: Hot dog vape juice

Does vaping a hot dog sound like a great idea to you? If so, you should try vaping hot dog vape juice.

Or maybe you shouldn’t. Vapers who have tried this weird flavour did not have a lot of good things to say about it. If you crave the yummy flavour of a hot dog, you should stick to eating a hot dog instead of shopping for funny vape flavours.

Flavour #7: Nacho cheese vape juice

Creators of vape juice often try to replicate the flavour of a tasty food item in their creations. And it’s not always a brilliant idea.

Fans of Doritos and similar snacks might be excited to learn that vape juice tastes like nacho cheese. Or, more likely, it tries to taste like nacho cheese but mostly fails. If you are brave, you might want to vape this strange flavour to determine if it tastes like nacho cheese.

Flavour #8: Peanut butter vape juice

Next on our list is peanut butter vape juice. This one seems less strange than the previous ones if you consider that there are vape juices that taste like dessert, chocolate, and caramel. Peanut butter vape sounds like it fits in, doesn’t it?

Plus, it’s a flavour that must be much easier to replicate than the flavour of a hot dog, for example, so you can trust this vape juice to taste like peanut butter. Avoid vaping it around people who have a peanut allergy.

Flavour #9: Roast chicken vape juice

Let’s end this list of funny vape flavours with roast chicken vape juice. Now, if you think it would be difficult to replicate the flavour of a delicious, well-seasoned roast chicken into a vape juice, you are right.

What you will get if you try vaping this flavour is the taste of a synthetic chicken that has been burnt to a crisp.